The Surprising Benefits of Going to Church

The Surprising Benefits of Going to Church - Church WordPress Theme

I’ll be the first to admit that while I love being at church once I actually get there, I don’t always love the process of getting my whole family out the door every Sunday morning. There are too many weekends where I’d rather stay cuddled up in bed with a favorite book or binge-watching my latest Netflix obsession.

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Going to Church

The Surprising Benefits of Going to Church - Church WordPress Theme

I don’t know what it is exactly that makes getting out the door on Sunday feel so much harder. Maybe it’s because while our weekday routine is pretty set, our weekend schedule is far more relaxed. It’s our time to kick back and recuperate, without always having to DO something. Or maybe it’s that I want to look nice and make sure the girls are looking their best, which sometimes requires a little extra prep time–and effort that I don’t always feel like putting in. I’m guessing we’re not the only family that struggles to get to church sometimes.

For many families, scheduling and making time for the church in the middle of a jam-packed week can feel like a test in itself. Whether you go on Saturday evenings, Sunday mornings or even weekday afternoons, it can be hard to part with what we see as “free” time, especially when it conflicts with other things we really want to do.

But over the years, one thing I’ve realized is that when I get to a point where I feel like I just don’t have time for church, it is a pretty clear sign that I’m pushing myself too hard.  And that usually means that I need to reevaluate my schedule and regain some sanity because, at the end of the day, I’ve never once regretted taking the time to attend church. There’s just something about being there that calms me down, makes me feel connected and whole, and simply allows me to breathe again.


And it’s not just me, apparently. Research shows that people who regularly attend church report stronger social support networks and less depression. They smoke less and lead healthier and even longer lives. In a very real and physical way, Church is literally good for your health.

Which means that if you haven’t been in a while, this might be a great time to start going back, or to find a new church home that fits your personality and your family—one where you click with those around you, make great friends, and feel a strong and welcoming sense of community.

3 thoughts on “The Surprising Benefits of Going to Church

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